What is Good Horsemanship?
What is Good Horsemanship? I’ve been on a huge journey when it comes to my horsemanship practice. I’ve been lucky, and had some really incredible mentors who have guided and shaped my thought processes, and taught me…
Self Sabotage- The Equestrian Version
A few years ago I remember having a conversation with a mentor of mine. She was discussing her personal horse and saying that she felt like she needed to sell him, as she would “never be able…
When Safe is No Longer Safe
For a few years now my therapist has been following a procedure known as EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) to help me move through some thought processes and memories that I struggle with. It’s a pretty…
5 Things My Animals Have Taught Me About Patience
5 Things My Animals Have Taught Me About Patience Our animals have a way of showing us parts of ourselves that we did not know, or have tried to suppress. They bring out our raw, authentic selves,…
101 Resources to Train Your Own Horse
There are moments where even the best of us struggle to feel like we are communicating effectively with our horses or like we are doing our best for them. To help with some of that head (and…
Is it our job to teach emotional tolerance?
Apollo saying hello 🙂 Is it our responsibility to train our horses in such a way as to teach them emotional stability? This is a topic that has been hovering in my mind lately, promoted by both…
5 Things My Horse Could’ve Judged Me For
There is something really beautiful about a horses (and animals) ability to seemingly forgive and forget. Now I’m not going to stand here and say that you can do whatever you want to a horse and they…
Dear Non Horsey Horse Mom
My mom and childhood horse, Candy Dear Non Horsey Horse Mom, I see you, hooking up the trailer and setting off to shows and clinics. I see you learning how to bridle a horse, because I’m too…
The Future of Classical Dressage
Classical dressage is one of the most beautiful, harmonious forms of equitation out there. This weekend I had the privilege of speaking with the talented Maria Cooke, current practitioner of Classical Dressage. She shared her insights into…
French Words Every Dressage Rider Should Know
If you are passionate about dressage, particularly what most people refer to as “classical” or “academic” dressage you’ve probably noticed a trend in the language used. Due to the influence of the old masters and the heavily…