• Horsemanship

    What is Good Horsemanship?

    What is Good Horsemanship? I’ve been on a huge journey when it comes to my horsemanship practice. I’ve been lucky, and had some really incredible mentors who have guided and shaped my thought processes, and taught me so much. But I’m also a child of the age of the Internet and online sharing, which means I’m also pretty consistently consuming online training resources. Some of these have been INCREDIBLE and truly shifted my focus. Others… not so much. As I experiment with new concepts and try to form my own opinions, I am often left wondering, what IS Good Horsemanship,…

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  • Healing

    When Safe is No Longer Safe

    For a few years now my therapist has been following a procedure known as EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) to help me move through some thought processes and memories that I struggle with. It’s a pretty…

  • Horsemanship

    Dear Non Horsey Horse Mom

    My mom and childhood horse, Candy Dear Non Horsey Horse Mom, I see you, hooking up the trailer and setting off to shows and clinics. I see you learning how to bridle a horse, because I’m too…

  • Interviews

    The Future of Classical Dressage

    Classical dressage is one of the most beautiful, harmonious forms of equitation out there. This weekend I had the privilege of speaking with the talented Maria Cooke, current practitioner of Classical Dressage. She shared her insights into…

  • Uncategorized

    5 Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving Survival Guide: The Eating Disorder Version    If you’re anything like me you probably look at this day with a mixture of panic and dread.  What should be a beautiful day full of love and family…